Blogs are supposed to be an area where one can share their thoughts, to provide an avenue of greater understanding of the individual writing. Unfortunately, this blog is usually where I spout a few words about my dear clients and then leave it untouched until the next spew of text and pictures. I fall into this impersonal cycle where I very rarely ever offer much of, well, me.
And it’s for a reason many of you know.
I have a personal blog that catches 99% of the random thoughts that pass between my two ears.
Some of you might be breathing a sigh of relief, but you’re not getting off that easy this time.
And well, to be honest, you’re not going to get that much of me, but more of my babies . . . because as that stereotypical Mom, I’m constantly shoving pictures of my kids under peoples’ noses because I feel like they get a better sense of who I am by what I love.
So without further ado, meet my oldest, Isaac. When he sees my camera out, he either runs or flashes this cheese face. I still love it, because it encompasses this wonderful age of almost 3 years old that he’s been acting like for almost all of his 2nd year.
He’s a pretty cool cat. He has a great sense of humor. Is entirely too chatty. And daily asks me “Mama, are you happy?” because he constantly wants to make sure that I am.
ps:: In order to wear this hat, he deemed it a cowboy hat, “Just like Woody!” Let me tell you, that was one argument I had no intention of winning.
And then there’s the happiest baby ever and I do quite literally mean that, Ezra. My youngest, surely knows how to smile.
And based on these shades pictures, he will also respond to Rico Suave.
Can you believe we’re creeping up on his first birthday already? Fine, fine. I relent, it’s no where near close to his first birthday, but I can’t believe he’s already over 7 months old! Time flies.
So, did it work? Do you feel like you know me a bit more by my sharing pictures of my greatest loves?
Don’t worry if not, I promise I will be sharing more here, of the personal nature, more frequently!
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